Upcoming events.

We are the Light: Yoga with Live Music to support the hostages taken by Hamas

We are the Light: Yoga with Live Music to support the hostages taken by Hamas

Hanukkah is a time of hope. We light the menorah for 8 nights as a reminder of our strength, our ability to overcome challenges despite the odds, and our belief that with faith, we will always prevail. This Hanukkah, join me in the mitzvah of lighting our inner most powerful flames, to ignite the world in a strong, passionate, and fierce mission for peace. We use the practice of yoga to spark our fires and bring more light to the world in this time of darkness. We join together to hope and pray for the safe, speedy, and healthy return of all the men, women, and children who have been brutally taken from their homes. And though our voices may seem small, join me in the faith that the Jewish people will continue to survive and thrive with strength, dignity, and steadfast determination, as we have time and time again throughout our history. The time has come again for us to say “Never Again.” May our collective vibrations create the universal shift necessary to give the best Hanukkah gifts to every family this year- that all shall be reunited, and never again know the hardship of separation and loss. That our children grow up in a world that does not know war. And that the world, and ALL beings in it, should only know peace, where all are happy and free 🕎🤍✡️🕊️

Join me for We are the Light: yoga class with live music in support of the hostages taken by Hamas, this Sunday at 10am at Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Congration. Live music during practice will be played by my dear brother Adam Kandel and afterwards we will be graced with tunes by Yifaat Gamliel Asher, Larry Amsterdam, and Jeff Snyder. We will flow, sing, and come together in harmony to become the light we wish to see in the world

Date: Sunday, December 10

Time: 10am-11:30am


Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Congregation

7000 Rockland Hills Drive

Baltimore, MD 21209

Price: FREE! However, if you wish to donate to support the families impacted by the hostage crisis, please do so here

Please register here

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Cacao Freedom Dance Journey

Cacao Freedom Dance Journey

Discover the healing, joyful combination of inner and outer nature as you move through this soulful journey into your heart. Like the natural ebb and flow of the universe, the inner and outer movements of this evening will bring you deeper into Freedom’s expansion as you drop out of your head and into your heart!

First, Becca Steinbach will guide us through a traditional cacao ceremonial circle, as we welcome all the forces of nature and Spirit, and ground deep into our hearts and down into our personal and collective experience.

Then, Barri DeFrancisci will take you on a movement journey through your main energy centers, from grounding into your center, to awakening your sensuality, and culminating in a blissful state of connection to yourself, your community, and Spirit.

By weaving dance with elements of yoga, breathwork, chanting, meditation, and Grandmother Cacao, you will discover the paradoxical balanced alignment of fluidity and discipline that creates freedom. Opening to the freedom of Self, you’ll raise your own and the collective vibration of the universe!

$22-$55 sliding scale

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Soulful Flow Dance @ KarmaFest UNITY

Soulful Flow Dance @ KarmaFest UNITY

Discover the healing powers of dance as you move through this soulful, musical experience. Combining dance with elements of yoga, qi gong, breathwork and meditation, you will raise your own and the collective vibration of the universe! 

About Karma Fest:

Let us join together to celebrate the little things, out in nature, with friends, for KarmaFest UNITY, Now in our 16th YEAR! Expect two full days of yoga, live music, free lectures, LOTS OF VENDORS, great food, and commUNITY spirit. There is so much to do during a KarmaFest UNITY “The Big Show” weekend it would take a week to see and do it all.

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Flexibility Foundations: Heart Openers

Flexibility Foundations: Heart Openers

This workshop is designed to open the upper back, chest and shoulders. Creating space across the front of the body and in between the shoulder blades, we will actively counteract our everyday sitting posture and deepen our backbends.

Through deep stretching, we will try and let go of the armor we put on every day to face the world, working towards allowing ourselves to align with, accept, and love our true, most authentic selves. Appropriate for all levels.

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Flexibility Foundations: Hips, Splits, and Backbends

Flexibility Foundations: Hips, Splits, and Backbends

Release tension, tightness, and stagnant energy in your hips, hamstrings, and lower back in this 2 hour workshop. Start to open up for the first time or learn to go deeper in your lunges, splits, and backbends. Perfect for beginners or anyone looking to build a strong foundation in your flexibility practice.

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New Years Day Yoga and Brunch

New Years Day Yoga and Brunch

Set your intentions for the new year as you move through a mindful yoga practice. The new year is the perfect time to reset, re-evaluate, and re-align yourself with your path, your goals, and your purpose.

In this intimate group class, we will move through a one-hour guided Vinyasa yoga practice, surrender to a deep healing meditation, and celebrate with a fresh, clean, homemade brunch.

Please bring a yoga mat and an open heart :)

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