Holistic Coaching

You + Me 1-on-1 for 4 Months

Intimate containers of transformation for anyone ready to invest in their healing. Personalized movement, meditation, and spiritual support to bring you into greater alignment, love, and empowerment.

Become the love you seek

Before I started practicing yoga, I thought love was something I could only receive from another person. I thought that my value was based on whether another person wanted to love me romantically, and that I had to act a certain way, look a certain way, and BE a certain way in order to “win” someone’s heart.

When I had my first real heartbreak in college, I was devastated. I felt unworthy of love, and therefore unworthy of living. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t get out of bed. I fell into a deep depression, and did everything I could to numb myself from feeling anything at all. I stopped socializing with friends, stopped doing anything just for fun, and couldn’t enjoy anything I had been excited about during the last few months of college. This feeling of love escaping me weighed me down, unable to get off the floor. I felt heavier than ever, even as I dropped down to my lightest weight in all my adult years.

So I stayed on the floor. Feeling overstimulated and exhausted at the same time, I realized there had to be another, better way to get over this loss and enjoy life again. I had heard about meditation, and thought maybe I should give it a try. I searched “Meditation Music” on YouTube, closed my eyes, and let the peaceful, gentle sounds wash over me until my tears flooded the pillow beneath my head. For awhile, this “meditation” became my practice. I layed on the floor with my heart open towards the ceiling, and asked the Universe to bring lasting self-love into my life. And over time, it did.

I started going to yoga classes at a studio down the street, and got reacquainted with my body. I learned to be grateful for my thighs that I always thought were too thick, and actively began to thank them for holding me up and carrying me through life every day. I thanked my belly for digesting my food and nourishing me, and thanked my soul for simply showing up to class and trying on a new way of thinking and being. Over the next few months, as I practiced yoga and meditation regularly, I finally learned what it meant to love myself. And as I opened my heart and mind to new ways of moving and thinking, I attracted more love into my life as well. Because that’s what happens, right? When we learn to love and care for ourselves- when we open up to new possibilities and expand our mindsets- the Universe brings us what we ask for. And then we realize… we already had it all along.

If you’re ready to create a life full of lasting love, inner peace, and abundant health, let’s work together to create a practice that fits YOUR lifestyle and needs. I’ve created this 1:1 holistic coaching program to bring more mindfulness, movement, and self-love into your life.

I want to help you live your best life! By incorporating mindfulness, movement, and healthy living practices into your daily routine, you can start being happier, healthier, and more successful right now.

We work together one-on-one to develop a routine, exercises, and mindfulness practices that work for YOU. You’ll have weekly assignments, check-ins, and private classes to grow and maintain your progress. Let your life become a practice of intentionality.

During our 4 months together, you will:

✔︎ Identify your personal goals, roadblocks, and challenges

✔︎ Learn how to integrate the tools of yoga and mindfulness into your daily life

✔︎ Develop a daily journaling, movement, and meditation practice to embody spiritual wisdom

✔︎ Gain confidence, learn to love yourself, and remember your purpose

How it Works

▶︎ 1-on-1 coaching is limited to a small number of committed and sincere individuals each year who are ready to make a high-level investment in themselves, take responsibility for their choices, and have the willingness to step into aligned action.

▶︎ Coaching mentorships are a minimum of a 4-month commitment.

▶︎ Twice a month 75-minute one-on-one interactive Coaching session where we pull in all the healing modalities for a soul-awakening experience, helping you create breakthroughs in your life!

▶︎ All-Access VIP Service where you can contact me via Signal with any of your movement, mindfulness or life questions Monday-Friday.

▶︎ Soulful homework that includes personalized yoga/movement programs, journal prompts, meditations, and worksheets (all optional!)

▶︎ Access to additional 30-min phone check-ins.

▶︎ We share a Google Drive folder with all your session notes, recordings, journaling prompts, meditations, yoga/movement sequences, etc.

Book Your Free Session Now!