A Beginner’s Guide to Stretching 

Does your body feel achy? Do simple tasks such as standing up, sitting down, and bending over cause you discomfort and pain? 

Did you know that it doesn’t have to be that way? By incorporating simple stretches into your daily routine, you will begin to move more easily, live more joyfully, and enjoy greater health overall. 

9 Benefits of Stretching (adapted from Healthline

1. Increases your flexibility

Regular stretching can help increase your flexibility, which is crucial for your overall health. Not only can improved flexibility help you to perform everyday activities with relative ease, but it can also help delay the reduced mobility that can come with aging.

2. Increases your range of motion

Being able to move a joint through its full range of motion gives you more freedom of movement. Stretching on a regular basis can help increase your range of motion.

One study found that both static and dynamic stretching are effective when it comes to increasing range of motion, although proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)-type stretching, where you stretch a muscle to its limit, may be more effective for immediate gains.

3. Improves your performance in physical activities

Performing dynamic stretches prior to physical activities has been shown to help prepare your muscles for the activity. It may also help improve your performance in an athletic event or exercise.

4. Increases blood flow to your muscles

Performing stretches on a regular basis may improve your circulation. Improved circulation increases blood flow to your muscles, which can shorten your recovery time and reduce muscle soreness (also known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS).

5. Improves your posture

Muscle imbalances are common and can lead to poor posture. One study found that a combination of strengthening and stretching specific muscle groups can reduce musculoskeletal pain and encourage proper alignment. That, in turn, may help improve your posture.

6. Helps to heal and prevent back pain

Tight muscles can lead to a decrease in your range of motion. When this happens, you increase the likelihood of straining the muscles in your back. Stretching can help heal an existing back injury by stretching the muscles.

A regular stretching routine can also help prevent future back pain by strengthening your back muscles and reducing your risk for muscle strain.

7. Is great for stress relief

When you’re experiencing stress, there’s a good chance your muscles are tense. That’s because your muscles tend to tighten up in response to physical and emotional stress. Focus on areas of your body where you tend to hold your stress, such as your neck, shoulders, and upper back.

8. Can calm your mind

Participating in a regular stretching program not only helps increase your flexibility, but it can also calm your mind. While you stretch, focus on mindfulness and meditation exercises, which give your mind a mental break.

9. Helps decrease tension headaches

Tension and stress headaches can interfere with your daily life. In addition to a proper diet, adequate hydration, and plenty of rest, stretching may help reduce the tension you feel from headaches.

5 Stretches to Practice Daily

Now that you know why you should start stretching, follow along with this simple stretch routine I’ve created. You can practice these stretches at any time of the day, without even leaving your bed! 

`1. Seated Side Stretch- Begin in a gentle, seated cross-legged position. Place your right hand outside of your right hip, and reach your left arm up over your head. Inhale to reach your arm and spine longer towards the ceiling. As you exhale, start to bend your body and reach your left arm to the right. Keep your chest open towards the ceiling, your left shoulder stacked on top of the right (not rolling in), and look up under your left arm. With every inhale, length through your rib cage and arm, and with every exhale, bend deeper to the right. You should feel a deep stretch from your left hip all the way up to your left shoulder. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths, and repeat on the other side. 


2.. Seated Twist- Begin in a comfortable, seated cross-legged position. Inhale to reach your arms up over your head. As you exhale, place your left hand to the outside of your right thigh, and place your right hand behind your right hip. Look over your right shoulder and twist your whole body to the right. On every inhalation lengthen your spine, lifting the crown of your head to the ceiling. With every exhale, twist deeper to the right. Stay for 5-10 deep breaths, and repeat on the other side. 


3. Bound Angle Pose- Place the soles of your feet together, and externally rotate from your hips so your knees open to the sides. Make sure you are sitting right on your sit bones with your spine straight. Then, round your spine, tuck your chin into your chest, lower your head towards your feet. To modify place a yoga block or a pillow on top of your feet to support your head. Hold for 10 deep breaths. 


4. Head to Knee Pose- From Bound Angle Pose, extend your left leg straight in front of your left hip, and place the sole of your right foot against your left inner thigh. Rotate your chest and shoulders so they face your left leg. Inhale to reach your arms over your head, and exhale to fold over your left leg. Place your hands wherever you can reach on your left leg. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths, and repeat on the other side.


5. Single Leg Stretch- Lay on your back with your legs straight. Bend your right knee in toward your chest, and then extend it straight up towards the ceiling. Place your hands wherever you can reach on your leg leg, ankle, or foot. With every exhale, gently guide your leg closer towards your chest. Do not force the stretch or push too hard. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths, and repeat on the other side. 

Consistency is the key to living a healthy, balanced life. Try to incorporate these 5 simple stretches into your daily routine, at least 5 days per week. Notice how everyday tasks and movements begin to feel easier, your mind feels calmer, and your mood, energy, and life improves overall. Join me for Gentle Stretch classes every Tuesday and Thursday morning on Zoom, and practice along with me on YouTube to start your journey towards a happier, healthier, more enjoyable life. 


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