Mindful Musings

A collection of insights, teachings, reflections, and practical life hacks designed to help anyone unlock their potential and manifest their truest self.

Barri DeFrancisci Barri DeFrancisci

Healing Ourselves and Our World 

Coronavirus. George Floyd. Protests. Riots. Murder Hornets. 2020 has been a test in physical and mental strength. How much more can we endure? It’s no wonder many of us are starting to feel uneasy, anxious, and depressed. There’s so much uncertainty in the world today. So much fear, so much unknown. The ever-present threat of change in everything we’ve ever known life to be.

How do we cope? How do we approach life when there’s so much trauma and pain surrounding us? How can we heal our bodies and minds when we can’t control anything around us?

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